Sunday, December 5, 2010

IAS Preliminary 2010 Solved Paper

1. Which one of the following processes in the bodies of living organisms is a digestive process?
(a) Breakdown of proteins into amino acids
(b) Breakdown of glucose into CO2 and H2O.
(c) Conversion of glucose into glycogen.
(d) Conversion of amino acids into proteins.
Ans: (a)

2. Excessive release of the pollutant carbon monoxide (CO), into the air may produce a condition in which oxygen supply in the human body decreases. What causes this condition?
(a) When inhaled into the human body, CO is converted into CO2.
(b) The inhaled CO has much higher affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen.
(c) The inhaled CO destroys the chemical structure of haemoglobin.
(d) The inhaled CO adversely affects the respiratory centre in the brain.
Ans: (b)

3. Examine the following statements:
1. All colours are pleasant.
2. Some colours are pleasant.
3. No colour is pleasant.
4. Some colours are not pleasant.
Given that the statement 4 is true, what can be definitely concluded?

(a) 1 and 2 are true
(b) 1 is false
(c) 2 is false
(d) 3 is true
Ans: (b)

4. The approximate representations of land use classification in India is -
(a) Net area sown 25%; forests 33%; other areas 42%.
(b) Net area sown 58%; forests 17%; other areas 25%.
(c) Net area sown 43%; forests 29%; other areas 28%.
(d) Net area sown 47%; forests 23%; other areas 30%.
Ans: (d)

5. What was the immediate reason for Ahmad Shah Abdali to invade India and fight the Third Battle of Panipat?
(a) He wanted to avenge the expulsion by Marathas of his victory Timur Shah from Lahore.
(b) The frustrated governor of Jullundhar Adina Beg Khan invited him to invade Punjab.
(c) He wanted to punish Mughal administration for non – payment of the revenues of the Chahar Mahal (Gujarat, Aurangabad, Sialkot and Pasrur).
(d) He wanted to annex all the fertile plains of Punjab up to the borders of Delhi to his kingdom.
Ans: (a)

6. In India, the tax proceeds of which one of the following as a percentage of gross tax revenue has significantly declined in the last five years?
(a) Service tax
(b) Personal income tax
(c) Excise duty
(d) Corporation tax
Ans: (c)

7. Which one of the following is the appropriate reason for considering the Gondwana rocks as most important of rock systems of India?
(a) More than 90% of limestone reserves of India are found in them.
(b) More than 90% of India’s coal reserves are found in them.
(c) More than 90% of fertile black cotton soils are spread over them.
(d) None of the reasons given above is appropriate in this context.
Ans: (b)

8. With reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, consider the following:
1. The Right to Development.
2. The Right to Expression.
3. The Right to Recreation.
Which of the above is/are the Rights of the child?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans: (d)

9. P, Q, R and S are four men. P is the oldest but not the poorest. R is the richest but not the oldest. Q is older than S but not than P or R. P is richer than Q but not than S. The four men can be ordered (descending) in respect of age and richness, respectively, as:
Ans: (b)

10. In the context of space technology, what is “Bhuvan”, recently in the news?
(a) A mini satellite launched by ISRO for promoting the distance education in India.
(b) The name given to the next moon Impact Probe, for Chandrayan – II.
(c) A geoportal of ISRO with 3D imaging capabilities of India.
(d) A space telescope developed by India.
Ans: (c)

11. The diameters of two circular coins are in the ratio of 1 : 3. The smaller coin is made to roll around the bigger coin till it returns to the position from where the process of rolling started. How many times the smaller coin rolled around the bigger coin?
(a) 9
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 1.5
Ans: (c)

12. Among the following, who was not a proponent of bhakti cult?
(a) Nagarjuna
(b) Tukaram
(c) Tyagraja
(d) Vallabhacharya
Ans: (a)

13. As per the UN – Habitat’s Global Report on Human Settlement 2009, which one among the following regions has shown the fastest growth rate of urbanization in the last three decades?
(a) Asia
(b) Europe
(c) Latin America and Caribbean
(d) North America
Ans: (a)

14. Who of the following shall cause every recommendations made by the Finance Commission to be laid before each House of Parliament?
(a) The President of India
(b) The Speaker of Lok Sabha
(c) The Prime Minister of India
(d) The Union Finance Minister
Ans: (a)

15. By a regulation in 1793, the District Collector was deprived of his judicial powers and made the collecting agent only. What was the reason for such regulation?
(a) Lord Cornwallis felt that the District Collector’s efficiency of revenue collection would enormously increase without the burden of other work.
(b) Lord Cornwallis felt that Judicial power should compulsorily be in the hands of
Europeans while Indians can be given the job of revenue collection in the districts.
(c) Lord Cornwallis was alarmed at the extent of power concentrated in the
District Collector and felt that such absolute power was undesirable in one person.
(d) The judicial work demanded a deep knowledge of India and a good training in
law and Lord Cornwallis felt that District Collector should be only a revenue collector?
Ans: (c)

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