Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home Science Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whit is Oleuropein?
(a) Glycoside found in green olive leaves
(b) An olive
(c) Scientific name of the Green Olive Tree
(d) None of these
Ans: a

2. Untreated gum disease leads over time to what consequence?
(a) bad breath
(b) expensive dental bills
(c) tooth loss
(d) All of the above
Ans: d

3. How many moles does the average person have?
(a) 10 to 15
(b) 20 to 40
(c) 50 to 100
(d) A number roughly equivalent to their age
Ans: b

4. Addiction’s most confounding symptom is:
(a) a runny nose
(b) violence
(c) denial
(d) a high fever
Ans: c

5. How does one get a chronic disease?
(a) From smoking
(b) From eating too much
(c) You catch it from your parents
(d) All of the above
Ans: d

6. One pound equals how many calories?
(a) 1,000
(b) 150
(c) 3,500
(d) 1,250
Ans: c

7. Which group is most at risk of developing an eating disorder?
(a) Highly aggressive adolescent girls
(b) Shy, passive teen girls
(c) Homosexual teen Js
(d) Preteen .girls from low-income families
Ans: a

8. A myocardial infarction is:
(a) explosive gas
(b) coronary heart failure
(c) a heart attack
(d) something that happens on the TV drama, ER
Ans: b

9. The recommended serving size of milk, yogurt or cheese is:
(a) 2/3 cup for each
(b) 1 cup low-fat or nonfat milk or yogurt; 1 1/2 ounces low-fat natural cheese
(c) 6 ounces for each
(d) 3/4 cup low-fat or nonfat milk or yogurt; 2 ounces low-fat natural cheese
Ans: d

10. What is osteoporosis?
(a) A disease marked by low bone mass and deteriorating structure of bone tissue
(b) A complication of obesity where bones break easily under the strain of excess weight
(c) A type of cancer that causes bones to shrink and a part
(d) A hereditary condition charactized by short stature and small body frame
Ans: a

11. Why are proteins important?
(a) They improve mental clarity
(b) They build enzymes, muscles, tissues, hormones and red blood cells
(c) They provide the body with energy
(d) They build muscle strength and endurance
Ans: b

12. Which of the foods or combinations of foods provide good quality protein?
(a) Sashimi (raw fish) and steak
(b) Eggs
(c) Beans and brown rice
(d) All of the above
Ans: d

13. What is arthritis?
(a) Muscle inflammation
(b) Enlarged bones
(c) Joint inflammation
(d) Arthur’s disease
Ans: c

14. Angina occurs when
(a) you’re having a heart attack
(b) not enough oxygen is reaching your heart muscle
(c) you eat too much of that cheesy stuff on your nachos
(d) there’s air in between the heart spaces
Ans: b

15. Why do so many people have chronic diseases?
(a) They don’t eat a healthy diet
(b) They don’t take vitamins
(c) It’s a normal part of aging
(d) We’re getting sick from the electromagnetic fields in our environment — the electric wires overhead, cell phones, microwave ovens, and stuff like that
Ans: a

1 comment:

  1. nice questions but make it difficult like net exams than it will be more useful and helpful.
